Friday, 11 May 2012

Flashback Friday - Alex the Kidd

Flashback Friday is a new regular feature inspired by my good lady wife, Freya.

Every Friday, I will be looking back at a game from the days of old and inviting comment from you, my readers. You might have a fond memory of the game, you may have never heard of it or it may have been the game that drove you to the edge of despair! 

Our first game "Alex the Kidd in Miracle World" was a favorite of mine and one of the first games that I ever played. It was available on the Sega Master System, but I had a special edition of the console which meant that this game came built in! True innovation for those days and as a result, Alex Kidd was a game that I always came back to. That and the fact that there was no save functionality, so it had to be conquered in a single sitting!

The video below shows the first 10 minutes of the game but you may wish to view with the sound muted. 

So, does that jog any memories? If not, did you have a favorite Master System game like it?

1 comment:

  1. I played it first on virtual console, I hated it. Too hard, and I thought janken matches were beyond dumb.


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